I disagree. (I started my ad career at a crappy agency and it took me years to climb out of that hole.)
The three examples I'm sharing today demonstrate that old saw, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." The first one is for all the art directors who write better than their partners...
LLOYD WOLFE'S BODY COPY: I'm an art director and I wrote most of the headlines in my book. That's not the way advertising is supposed to work. (Imagine if copywriters did all the layouts.) I'm looking for a place where I can work with good writers and do great work. If I were working with a good writer right now, he'd probably know how to end this.
Inspiration for those who are stuck in an account-driven shop...
OUTSIDE: Whoever said you can't do creative work at a Chicago agency?
INSIDE: I, for instance, have the chance every couple of weeks. VISUAL: Timesheet.
Finally, some food for thought for anyone who wants to switch careers...
HEADLINE: Lee Clow thought my work was terrific. Phil Dusenberry wanted to see my ideas for Pepsi. Bill Westbrook told me I was the best he'd seen in years. Tom McElligott said I was destined for greatness. Jay Chiat was so impressed he offered me a job on the spot. Of course, I was in Account Management at the time.
BODY COPY: Chiat/Day, BBDO, Earle Palmer Brown. Even for a suit, they were great places to learn to write. And now that I'm writing, I'd like to show you what I've learned. Kevin Roddy, Copywriter.
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